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Painter, collector, museum official. Born in the family of Semyon Ostroukhov in Moscow (1858). Private student of Alexander Kiselyov (1880), advised by Ilya Repin (1881–82), attended Pavel Chistyakov’s private studio (1882–84) and the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1886). Member of the Abramtsevo circle (from 1881) and Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (from 1891), founding member of the Union of Russian Artists (1903). Academician of painting (1906), full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1906). Member of the board (1898–1903) and trustee (1905–13) of the Tretyakov Gallery. Life curator of the Museum of Icon-Painting and Painting (from 1918). Died in Moscow (1929). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1884). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Lovers of the Arts (1884, 1887–90), Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1886–97), World of Art (1900), 36 Artists (1901, 1902), Union of Russian Artists (1903, 1917, 1922), Moscow Fellowship of Artists (1924) and the Pan-Russian Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod (1896).