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Painter, graphic artist, theatrical and poster designer. Born in the family of Ilya Naumov in the village of Zhilkino to the north of Moscow (1899). Studied at the Imperial Stroganov Central School of Art and Industry (1909–17) and the State Free Art Studios/VKhUTEMAS in Moscow (1918–21). Member of the Society of Young Artists (1919–23). Designed the sets and costumes for a travelling theatre company and drew theatre and cinema posters (1921–28). Died at the age of twenty-nine in Moscow (1928). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1919), including all four exhibitions of the Society of Young Artists (1919, 1920, 1921, 1923), La musica del colore, ritmo e spazio: Kandinsky e i suoi contemporanei 1900–1920 in Aosta (1998) and Schönberg, Kandinsky, Der blaue Reiter und die russische Avantgarde in Vienna (2000).