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Painter. Born in the family of a peasant called Fyodor Kolesnikov in the village of Andrianopole in Ekaterinoslav Province (1879). Studied at the Odessa School of Art (1890s) and under Alexander Kiselyov at the Higher School of Art, Imperial Academy of Arts (1903–09). Fellow of the Imperial Academy of Arts abroad (1909). Emigrated to Yugoslavia (1920). Professor of the Belgrade Academy of Arts (1920s–30s). Died in Belgrade (1955). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1904). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Fellowship of Artists (1904–07), Imperial Academy of Arts (1905–18), Fellowship of South Russian Artists (1900s–10s), Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1916, 1917), Arkhip Kuinji Society (1917) and the Exhibition of Russian Art in London (1910).