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Painter, graphic artist, restorer, writer. Born in the family of a peasant called Alexander Glazunov in Moscow (1884). Grew up in the village of Terekhovo in Vladimir Province (late 1880s) and studied at Dmitry Salautin’s icon-painting studio in Palekh (1890s). Painted and restored icons in Moscow (1903–08). Opened his own Palekh icon-painting studio in Moscow (1909). Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Archaeology (1910). Published Materials on the History of Russian Icon-Painting (1914). Worked for Narkompros (1918–20). Helped to establish Palekh varnished miniature painting (1920s) and showed the first works of Palekh artists in Soviet art at an exhibition of art and industry (1923). Founder and Moscow representative of the Palekh Artel of Old Painting (1924–27). Arrested and imprisoned by the NKVD (1943). Died in the Urals (1955). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1923), including Fairytales in Russia at the Russian Museum in St Petersburg (2000).