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Painter, graphic artist. Born in the family of Vasily Kamensky and Avgusta Kastorskaya in the port of Sukhumi in Georgia (1927). Moved with his family to the village of Troitsa in Perm Region (1932) and to Moscow (1936). Studied at the Moscow Secondary School of Art (1939–45) and the Vasily Surikov Institute of Art in Moscow (1945–51). Member of the Union of Artists (1958). Took up abstract art (early 1960s). Died in Moscow and buried at the former German Cemetery in Lefortovo (2014). Contributed to exhibitions in Russia (from 1952) and abroad (from late 1980s), including Abstraction in Russia: XX Century at the Russian Museum in St Petersburg (2001–02) and Times of Change: Art in the Soviet Union (1960–85) at the Russian Museum in St Petersburg (2006).