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Painter, graphic artist, designer. Born in the family of Vladimir Myslin in Moscow (1901). Studied under Konstantin Korovin and Mikhail Le Blanc at various schools of art (1918), VKhUTEMAS (1922–24), State Theatrical Institute (1924–26) and the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia studio (1926–29). Forced to abandon studies due to illness. Member of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia youth organisation. Painted pictures, designed posters and drew caricatures. Collaborated with various publishing houses. Arrested as a “member of the family of a traitor” following the arrest of her husband (1937). Sentenced by the special board of the NKVD to five years imprisonment in corrective labour camps (27 December 1937). Served her sentence in Dolinka of Karlag and the Akmolinsk Camp for Wives of Traitors (1938–46). Returned to Moscow following her release. Member of the Union of Artists. Died in Moscow (1974).