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Cuban artist. Born in Holguín (1964). Graduated from the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana (1989) and Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in Boston (1990). Lives and works in Atlanta, Georgia. Contributed to the III Havana Biennale (1985), The Nearest Edge of the World. Art and Cuba Now at the Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales in Havana, Massachusetts College of Art in Boston, Nexus Contemporary Art Center in Atlanta and the Bronx Museum of Art in New York (1985), Kuba o.k. Aktuelle Kunst aus Kuba. Arte actual de Cuba at the Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales in Havana and the Kunsthalle in Düsseldorf (1985), No Man is an Island. Nuorta taidetta Kuubasta at the Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales in Havana, Porin Taidemuseo in Pori, Finland, Mücsarnok and Museo Ernest in Budapest and the Palffy Palace in Vienna (1985), Cuba: La isla posible at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea in Barcelona (1985), Cuba siglo XX: modernidad y sincretismo at the Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Fundación La Caixa in Palma, Majorca and the Centro de Arte Santa Mónica in Barcelona (1996) and the one-man shows Pinturas, dibujos y esculturas at the Galería L in Havana (1985) and Alejandro Aguilera at the Proyecto Castillo de la Fuerza in Havana (1985).