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Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, decorator, stage director, theatrical designer, illustrator, teacher. Born in the family of a lawyer called Mikhail Yustitsky in St Petersburg (1892). Hereditary nobleman. Studied at a private school in St Petersburg and at Jacob Goldblat’s studio in Vilna and in Paris (1912–13). Member of Thirteen. Headed a Proletcult studio of painting and drawing in Saratov (from 1918). Professor of the State Free Art Studios. Founded the Society of Artists of the New Art and an avant-garde theatre (early 1920s). Decorated streets on Communist holidays. Lived in Moscow (1936–37), illustrated books. Arrested and sentenced to nine years in prison (1937–46). Returned to Saratov and took up painting (1946). Headed the studio of art at the Combine Factory. Died in Rostov-on-Don (1951). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1914).