Yury Repin

Born: 1877, Chuhuiv (Kharkiv Province)
Died: 1954, Helsinki
Émigré Art

Painter. Son of Ilya Repin. Studied at the Princess Maria Tenisheva School of Art in St Petersburg (1894–99) and under Dmitry Kardovsky and Ilya Repin at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1899–1905). Member of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (from 1915). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1900). Contributed to the spring exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1905–07), Union of Russian Artists (1908–11, 1913), Fellowship of Independents (1911–14), Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1914–18), Community of Artists (1921) and the international exhibition in Munich (1910, gold medal).

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