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Глава 1 Меншиковский дворец. Академия художеств Топографический рок Петербурга. – Быт первых строителей города. – Страсть Петра I к поцелуям. – Глас народа о царском любовнике. – Петр II и князь Иван...
In 2004, tattoos were found on mummies originating from the Khakassia and Altai regions of Russia and now kept at the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. One of the mummies had been kept in its origin...
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The monument to Count Nikolai Demidov on Piazza Demidoff in Florence was commissioned immediately after his death in 1828 by his two sons, Pavel and Anatoly. The work was designed by Italian sculptor...
Место действия Трафальгарская площадь. Сквозь туман одна из скамей у северного парапета. На скамье и вокруг нее компания в дюжину человек. Среди них Дороти. Чарли (поет). Ав Мари, ав Мари, аве Мари-и...
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Kazimir Malevich ’s Black Square was allegedly painted on 8 July 1915 and was first shown at the 0.10 Last Futurist Exhibition in Petrograd (1915–16). The painting was symbolically hung in the right ...
Worldbackwards ( Mirskontsa ) was a lithographed booklet published in a limited edition of 220 copies by Georgy Kuzmin and Sergei Dolinsky in Moscow in November 1912. The transrational poems of Alexe...
This famous “alogical” portrait of five Russian Futurists was taken in St Petersburg in December 1913 and depicts, from left to right, Mikhail Matiushin, Alexei Kruchenykh, Pavel Filonov, Josif Shkol...