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In 1890, Mother Superior Hilaria of the Convent of the Virgin and All Saints in the town of Bolkhov in Oryol Province commissioned an unusual new icon. The work was painted by an hieromonk called Dan...
The Iviron Monastery stands on an island in Lake Valdai, two miles from the town of the same name in the east of Novgorod Region. While the cloister may have been founded long after the other famous ...
After Rus adopted Christianity in the late tenth century, the new religion was mostly spread by the grand princes of Kiev. The first cathedrals were built in various towns by such rulers as Vladimir ...
This image dates from a miracle-working icon of the Mother of God kept at the St Cosmas Monastery of the Dormition near Vladimir. According to legend, the icon miraculously appeared to a monk called ...
The samovar (Russian: boils itself ) is a round metal urn used in Russia for making tea. It is filled with water, which is heated by charcoal placed in a pipe. The first samovars appeared in Siberia ...
Russian monks sat down to eat as a single body, symbolising the unity of the monastic fraternity. The prototype of these joint meals was the Last Supper, when Jesus Christ ate with His disciples. Mon...
The life of the Russian monastery did not consist solely of such joint actions as attending church services, religious ceremonies, engaging in physical labour or eating together in the monastic refec...
The nobility was the most privileged class in pre-revolutionary Russia. Noblemen were people who worked for the state. They were paid a salary and sometimes awarded land and serfs. Their property cou...
In Russia, the word peasant was used to describe all the people who lived and worked off the land. Peasants constituted the largest social class in pre-revolutionary Russia. Before 1861, most peasant...
The red corner was the most important place in the peasant hut. A prie-dieu containing one or more icons decorated with embroidered towels, the red corner was regarded as a form of private chapel, wh...