The Premier Site for Russian Culture
Painter, graphic artist, teacher. Born in the family of Zakhar Kandaurov in Kemerovo (1937). Studied at the Vasily Surikov Institute of Art in Moscow (1951–56) and Moscow Institute of Polygraphy (195...
Painter, theatrical, cinema and book designer, teacher. Born in the family of teachers Ivan Dyshlenko and Nadezhda Povidaiko in Novosibirsk (1936). Graduated from Nikolai Akimov’s studio at the Lenin...
Painter, graphic artist, sculptor. Born in the family of Ivan Belenok in the village of Korogod in the northern Ukraine (1938). Graduated from the Kiev School of Art. Studied sculpture at the Kiev In...
Painter, graphic artist, poet, songwriter. Born in the family of Vladimir Bachurin in Leningrad (1934). Studied at the Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Leningrad (1954–...
Armenian poet, painter, graphic artist, collage artist, performance artist, writer of aphorisms and ditties. Born in the family of Hakob Bakhchanian in Kharkiv in the Ukraine (1938). Moved to Moscow ...
Painter, graphic artist, mixed media artist. Born in the family of geologists Lev Rukhin and Yevgenia Uziemblo, who had been evacuated from besieged Leningrad to Saratov (1943). Studied at the Facult...
Graphic artist, illustrator, teacher. Born in the family of lawyer and human-rights activist Boris Lion in Kaluga (1925). Studied at School of Art No. 1 in Moscow (1937–41) and the Faculty of Graphic...
Painter, graphic artist. Grandson of Mikhail Yakovlev. Born in the family of white-collar worker Igor Yakovlev in the town of Balakhna on the River Volga in Nizhny Novgorod Region (1934). Moved with ...
Painter, graphic artist, assemblage artist. Born in the family of Alexander Povzner in Moscow (1939). Studied at Moscow Institute of Polygraphy (1962–68). Member of the nonconformist movement (from m...
Painter, graphic artist. Born in the family of Vasily Kalinin in Moscow (1939). Graduated from the Abramtsevo School of Art in Khotkovo (1962) and the Victor Vasnetsov School of Art and Industry in A...