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Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer. Studied under Abram Arkhipov, Nikolai Kasatkin, Leonid Pasternak and Isaac Levitan at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1893–190...
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer, teacher. Brother of the artist and critic Vasily Milioti (1875–1943). Born in the family of Dmitry Milioti in Moscow (1874). Studied at Moscow University...
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer, writer, teacher. Younger brother of Sergei Korovin. Born in Moscow in the family of an Old Believer merchant called Alexei Korovin (1861). Studied at the...
Painter, graphic artist, teacher. Studied under Vasily Konovalov in Saratov (from 1886), under Vasily Polenov at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1890–91, 1893–95), under Pa...