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Painter, graphic artist, collector, teacher. Born in the family of a wealthy landowner called Dmitry Kuznetsov at the estate of Stepanovka near Odessa in the Ukraine (1850). Studied under Pavel Chist...
Painter, graphic artist, decorator, theatrical designer, illustrator. Great-niece of Russian writer Mikhail Lermontov (1814–1841). Born in the family of Vladimir Lermontov in St Petersburg (1885). St...
Painter, graphic artist, industrial designer, writer. Son of Pyotr Buchkin. Enrolled at the Leningrad Secondary School of Art (1940). Survived the Siege of Leningrad (1941–44) and joined the Red Army...
Painter, graphic artist, teacher. Father of Dmitry Buchkin. Born in the family of Dmitry Buchkin in the village of Sofronovo in Tver Province (1886). Studied under Nikolai Koshelev and Vasily Savinsk...
Sculptor. Born in St Petersburg (1871) in the family of Baron Konstantin Paul Eduard Rausch von Traubenberg (1847–1898) and Elisabeth Montrésor (1848–1906). Graduated from the Corps des Pages in St P...
Painter, graphic artist, decorator, photographer, ethnographer, explorer. Born in the family of a teacher called Martin Dudin-Marcinkiewicz in the Ukrainian village of Rovnoe in Kherson Province (186...
Painter, graphic artist, teacher. Born in the family of Mikhail Luppov in the town of Slobodskoi in Vyatka Province (1893). Studied under Konstantin Juon at the School of Painting and Drawing in Mosc...
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical and poster designer. Born in the family of Ilya Naumov in the village of Zhilkino to the north of Moscow (1899). Studied at the Imperial Stroganov Central School o...
Graphic artist, illustrator. Born in the family of Andrei Sveshnikov in Leningrad (1927). Studied graphic art at the Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Leningrad (late 19...
Avdei Ter-Oganian was born in Rostov-on-Don on 9 December 1961. He studied under Boris Mygas at Rostov School of Art. From 1978 to 1980, Ter-Oganian studied with Yury Shabelnikov at the painting peda...