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Primitive painter. Born Nikolai Pirosmanishvili in the Georgian village of Mirzaani (1862). Moved to Tiflis (1870) after the death of his parents and worked as a servant in wealthy houses (from 1872)...
Painter, graphic artist, teacher. Studied under Nikolai Kasatkin, Apollinary Vasnetsov, Abram Arkhipov, Leonid Pasternak, Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculp...
Painter, theatrical designer, teacher. Studied at the Nikolai Seliverstov School of Art in Penza (1898–1900, 1905–06), under Nikolai Pimonenko at the Kiev School of Art (1900–04), Dmitry Kardovsky ’s...
Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, engraver, theatrical designer, illustrator. Studied icon-painting at Astrakhan Religious Academy (1887–92) and Astrakhan Religious Seminary (1892–96) and took priva...
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer, teacher. Studied at the Maria Rayevskaya-Ivanova School of Drawing in Kharkiv (until 1888), at the evening classes of the Stroganov School of Technical D...
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer. Studied at the Voronezh Free School of Painting and Drawing opened by the Society of Lovers of the Arts (1896–1901), Lev Dmitriyev-Kavkazsky ’s studio in...
Painter, graphic artist, designer. Great-grandson of Count Sergei Lanskoy, who served as minister of the interior under Tsar Alexander II (1855–61). Studied at the Corps des Pages in St Petersburg (u...
Painter, graphic artist, applied artist. Born Marie Vorobieff-Stebelska, daughter of a Polish nobleman (Bronislaw Stebelskij) and actress (Maria Worobjewa). Studied at the Tiflis School of Fine Arts ...
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer, teacher. Husband of Elena Bebutova. Studied under Vasily Konovalov and Ettore Salvini-Baracci at the school of drawing of the Saratov Society of Lovers o...
Painter, graphic artist, engraver, illustrator, teacher. Studied at Saratov Religious Academy (1896–1900), under Abram Arkhipov, Konstantin Korovin and Valentin Serov at the Moscow School of Painting...