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Artist, teacher. Born in Moscow in the family of Anton Potapov (1920). His mother worked for Vladimir Lenin’s office in the Kremlin (1920s) and as an economist under Polina Zhemchuzhina, wife of the ...
Sculptor. Born in Kamenets-Podolsky in the family of Onufry Rybetsky (7 May 1913). Studied at the art school of the Crocodile magazine in Moscow (early 1930s). Worked as a caricaturist and photograph...
Painter, sculptor, cartoon designer. Born in the family of Alexander Usaitis (7 September 1924). Graduated from eighth-grade school. Studied for three years at the 1905 School of Art in Moscow. Studi...
Artist. Born in Bremen in Germany (1872). Studied painting at the Düsseldorf Akademie der Künste (1890–95). Founding member of the Worpswede group of artists. Contributed to the development of Jugend...
Artist, teacher. Born in the family of Pyotr Friesen (1888). Studied at the Kharkiv School of Art, Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and the studio of Konstantin Juon (1920s). For...
Artist, teacher. Born in the village of White Church in Kiev Province in the family of Mark Cherkassky (8 July 1886). Graduated from the Kiev School of Art (1909). Studied under Nikolai Dubovskoi and...
Amateur painter, biophysicist, pioneer of heliobiology and aero-ionification. Born in the family of Leonid Chizhevsky (1897). Professor, honorary president of the International Congress of Biological...
Artist. Born in the village of Yevdokievka in Dnepropetrovsk Region in the family of Foma Shkuratsky (30 September 1923). Lived and studied in Dneprodzerzhinsk (from 1934). Attended the school of art...
Painter, art historian. Born in Saratov in the family of Alexander Eifert (August 1884). Graduated from the Higher Studios of Art and Painting in Astrakhan (1922). Helped to found the Boris Kustodiev...
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer, illustrator. Studied at grammar school and Ivan Kopylov’s school of art in Irkutsk (1901–13). Attended a studio of art in Paris (1913). Returned to Russi...