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Founded in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island as a crown iron foundry for the production of artillery shells (1789). Transferred to St Petersburg by Emperor Paul following the decision to move part of the Kronstadt Iron Foundry to a new location and renamed the St Petersburg Iron Works (1801). Fulfilled private orders (1803). Overhauled (1824), stood empty (1834–39). Awarded to the Society of Russian Mining Plants. Returned to crown ownership (1847), before being privatised and awarded to Colonel Ogarev (1851). Acquired by Nikolai Putilov, a former naval officer, engineer and entrepreneur, and renamed the Putilov Iron Works (1868). Manufactured rails for the Nicholas Railway Line. Floated as a private limited company (1873). Manufactured railway wagons (1874). Produced artillery shells, steel instruments and torpedo boats. The total capital was 25,400,000 roubles (1913). Nationalised after the revolution (1917), the factory was known as the Red Putilov Worker (from 1922) and the Kirov Machine Construction and Metallurgic Factory (from 1934). It is now known as the Kirov Factory. The workers of the Putilov Iron Works played a major role in the events of the 1905 revolution. On 3 January 1905, a strike broke out at the factory in protest against the sacking of four workers. The incident soon escalated into a general strike, enflamed by the tragic events of Bloody Sunday on 9 January 1905.