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Painter, teacher. Son of the wood engraver Baron Konstantin Clodt von Jürgensburg, nephew of Baron Peter Clodt von Jürgensburg, cousin of Baron Mikhail Petrovich Clodt von Jürgensburg, uncle once removed of Baron Nikolai Clodt von Jürgensburg. Born in St Petersburg (1832), where he learnt drawing at the Institute of Mining. Studied landscape painting under Maxim Vorobyov at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1851–58). Fellow of the Imperial Academy of Arts in Switzerland and France (1858–61). Academician of painting (1861), professor of landscape painting (1864), board member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1871). Fell in love with Elizaveta Stanyukovich and suffered from depression after she refused his offer of marriage (1861). Married Elizaveta Vladimirtsova (1862) and started drinking after her early death (1865). Made a second proposal of marriage to Elizaveta Stanyukovich (1866), who accepted (1867), but later divorced him (1879). Taught at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1870–86), where he headed the landscape class (from 1872). Founding member of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1870), but resigned after a conflict with Arkhip Kuinji (1880). Withdrew from active public life (1880s), suffered from mental problems and poor vision (1890s) and died in poverty in St Petersburg (1902). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1853). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1853–64, 1867, 1870, 1873, 1878, 1882–85), Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1871–79, 1897), Pan-Russian Exhibition in Moscow (1882) and the World Exhibitions in Paris (1867, 1878), London (1872), Vienna (1873), Philadelphia (1876) and Antwerp (1885).