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Photographer. Born in the family of Sergei Chezhin in Leningrad (1960). Studied at the Leningrad Institute of Cinematic Engineering (1977–82), where he took up photography (late 1970s). Member of the Mirror Club of Photography (1984–89), TAK (from 1987), Photopostscriptum (1993–97), Union of Photographic Artists of Russia (1995), Free Culture Foundation (1996), International Federation of Artists (1998) and the board of the Traditional Autumn Photomarathon Festival (1998). Curator of the Photoimage Gallery. Worked as a freelance photographer. Lives and works in St Petersburg. Contributed to exhibitions (from 1985), including Photopostscriptum (1993) and such one-man shows as Visiting Bulla at Gallery 21 (1994), Kharmsiada at the Photoimage Gallery (1996) and Button and Modernism at the Delta Gallery (2000).