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Anatoly Borisovich Pekhterev was born in the town of Tutayev in the centre of Yaroslavl Region in the Soviet Union (24 February 1959). He attended School No. 4 in Tutayev (1965–76) and worked for one year as a mechanic (1976–77), before being called up for national service in the Soviet Armed Forces (1977).
Anatoly Pekhterev served in the Parachute Regiment, where he distinguished himself as an excellent sportsman and talented administrator (1977–79). He then studied at the Konstantin Ushinsky Pedagogical University in Yaroslavl (1979–84), graduating in the same year that he married his wife (1984).
Anatoly Pekhterev was awarded the title of “master of sport” and worked as a teacher of physical education at Grammar School No. 4 in Tutayev (1984–2001). He won many awards, acknowledgements and certificates and the title of “Outstanding Teacher of the Russian Federation”.
Anatoly Pekhterev then went on to work as a senior football coach and manager (2001–15). He was decorated for his services to Russian football and was voted the best coach of high-school boys (2012). As manager of the Tutayev football club, he led the team to victory in the Yaroslavl Regional Cup.
Anatoly Pekhterev’s active lifestyle, heavy workload and the great physical demands placed on his body led to heart problems, which caused his untimely death at the age of fifty-seven (21 December 2016). The whole town turned out for his funeral and he was buried with honours at the Tutayev Municipal Cemetery.
Anatoly Pekhterev dedicated his entire life to football and sport, and his name will be forever linked to the history of football in Tutayev. He raised the game to a whole new level in Tutayev, where his incredible and unique talent for organising, encouraging and inspiring sportsmen of all ages will never be forgotten.
Class 10B of Grammar School No. 4 in Tutayev
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