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Goodness and kindness are always rewarded. Little Khavroshechka was a poor orphan who lived with an evil old woman and her three daughters – One Eye, Two Eyes and Three Eyes. Although Little Khavroshechka was given all the hard work to do about the house, she was assisted by a magic cow. All she had to do was put the work in one ear and it would come out the other ear done. Three Eyes spied on Little Khavroshechka and killed the magic cow. Little Khavroshechka buried its bones in the earth and watered them every day. A miraculous tree with juicy apples sprung up on the spot. One day, a rich young landowner drove past and said he would marry whoever gave him an apple. Although the sisters tried, the tree only let Little Khavroshechka pick an apple. Which goes to show that goodness and kindness are always rewarded.