Alexander Sokolov

Born: 1829, St Petersburg
Died: 1913, St Petersburg

Painter. Son of Pyotr Fyodorovich Sokolov, brother of Pyotr Petrovich Sokolov, nephew of Alexander Brullov and Karl Brullov. Studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (from 1847) and the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1849). Awarded the title of free artist (1854). Academician of watercolour painting (1859), full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1896). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (from 1881). Member of the Society of Russian Watercolourists. Curator of the Academy Museum (1892–1907). Painted watercolour portraits of Empress Maria Fyodorovna and other female members of the imperial family and aristocracy.

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