Prince Alexei Saltykov

Born: 1806, St Petersburg
Died: 1859, Paris

Amateur artist, traveller, writer. Son of Prince Dmitry Saltykov (1767–1826) and Anna Leontieva (1776–1810). Educated at home. Joined the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as a diplomat in Constantinople, Greece, London, Florence, Rome and Tehran (from 1823). Resigned and moved to Paris (1840). Visited Persia (1838–39), India (1841–43, 1845–46) and Europe. Published Voyage en Perse in Russian (1849), French (1851) and Polish (1862) and Voyage dans l’Inde in French (1848) and Russian (1851), illustrating the French editions with lithographs based on his own drawings. Published an album of lithographs after his own drawings entitled Les habitants de l’Inde, dessines d’apres nature par le prince Solticoff in Paris (1853).

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