Biographies Russian Writers Konstantin Batyushkov

Konstantin Batyushkov

Born: 1787, Vologda
Died: 1855, Vologda

Poet. Born in Vologda (1787) in the family of Nikolai Batyushkov (1753–1817). Studied at private boarding-schools on Vasilyevsky Island in St Petersburg (from 1797). Worked for the Ministry of National Education (1802). Joined the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Science and the Arts (1805). Visited Alexei Olenin’s salon. Joined the territorial army as a centurion of the St Petersburg militia garrison (1807). Assistant curator of manuscripts at the Imperial Public Library (1812). Lived at 25 River Fontanka Embankment (from 1814). Described contemporary St Petersburg in A Promenade to the Imperial Academy of Arts. Member of the Arzamas literary society, which met at the apartment of Nikolai Turgenev at 20 River Fontanka Embankment (1815). Rare visitor to St Petersburg (after 1817). Lived at the Hôtel De Mout at 40 River Moika Embankment before returning to Naples (1817). Visited St Petersburg for the last time when seriously ill (1824). Died of typhus in Vologda (1855).

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