The Premier Site for Russian Culture
Skittles ( gorodki ) is a traditional Russian folk game. The players take turns to throw bats or sticks with the aim of knocking down five skittles (cylindrical wooden stumps) arranged in various con...
Knucklebones ( babki ) was a traditional game in Russia. The babki were made out of the lower joints of the leg bones of cattle, as was the bat used to knock them down, which was often cast inside fr...
Quoits ( svaika ) is one of the most popular folk games in Russia. The purpose of the game is to throw the svaika (an iron peg with a large head and a pointed end) into the ground inside an iron ring...
Spillikins ( biryulki ) was a set of toy objects, such as furniture, crockery, ladders, hats, sticks and agricultural implements. Several people played the game. The players were supposed to take it ...
Unlike the majority of games of chance, which entered Russia from the east, such as billiards, dominoes and throwing dice, roulette came from Western Europe and appeared much later. It arose at the s...
The traditional Easter fare of Russian Orthodox Christians is kulich (Easter cake), pascha (a sweet cream-cheese dish) and painted Easter eggs. The presenting of Easter eggs began during the Easter s...
The custom of ploughing the earth around a Russian village dates from an ancient pagan rite based on the belief in the magical power of the circle. Symbolical ploughing was carried out during cattle ...
The first in the annual cycle of traditional festivals was yuletide ( svyatki ). In the Ukraine and White Russia, the word for yuletide is kolyadki, which is also the term used to describe the custom...
One of the most important events in the life of the Russian nobility was balls. The main element of the ball was dancing. In the eighteenth century, balls traditionally opened with a minuet. By the e...
In 1497, Grand Prince Ivan III established the first official coat of arms of Russia. The prince regarded himself as the successor to the Byzantine emperors and adopted their emblem of a black double...