
The Aviaries are located in the eastern end of the Lower Park. These elegant wooden pavilions were specially designed by Nicola Michetti for keeping birds in 1722 and are the only park pavilions of their kind to survive from the eighteenth century. The walls are faced with tuff and seashells, while the interiors are decorated with original paintings by Russian masters working under French artist Louis Caravaque.

The Western Aviary now holds songbirds, while the Eastern Aviary is home to various species of parrot, including macaws, cockatoos, rosellas, cockatiels and pionites. The nearby pond has been restored and is the habitat of swans, Canada geese, mandarin ducks and ruddy shelducks.

The museum is open from 10.30 am to 6 pm; ticket office closes at 5.30 pm

No closing days

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