Igor Potapov

Born: 1920, Moscow
Died: 1992, Karaganda (Kazakhstan)

Artist, teacher. Born in Moscow in the family of Anton Potapov (1920). His mother worked for Vladimir Lenin’s office in the Kremlin (1920s) and as an economist under Polina Zhemchuzhina, wife of the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov (1930s). Studied at art school in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Art of Moscow Pedagogical Institute (1943). Arrested and exiled to Karlag (1943). Released (1948). Remained in Karaganda. Worked as an artist for the municipal industrial combine and the Karaganda branch of the Kazakhstan Department of Fine Art (from 1952). Worked as a teacher and a designer in Chimkent, Kokchetav, Schuchinsk and other towns in Kazakhstan (1950s–70s). Died in Karaganda (1992).

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