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St Florus and St Laurus were twin brothers who were martyred in the Balkans in the second century. In their final prayers before being put to death, they allegedly promised to multiply and protect th...
St Nicholas of Myra was a bishop and a miracle-worker. At the Council of Nicaea in 325, he publicly slapped the Alexandrian presbyter Arius in the face. Nicholas was subsequently demoted from the ran...
This rare iconographic type reproduces the original Greek icon of the Virgin Gorgoepikoos (“she who is quick to hear”), which was kept at the Monastery of Docheiariou on Mount Athos in the eleventh a...
The Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna Service was manufactured between 1795 and 1797 for the marriage of the eldest daughter of Paul I to Archduke Joseph Anton of Austria in 1799. Designed in the Neoc...
The first decorative plates depicting Russian regiments were manufactured at the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St Petersburg in the early 1820s. Several series of plates dedicated to such military ca...
The Guriev Service was created at the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St Petersburg between 1809 and 1816. The project was headed by local sculptor Stepan Pimenov. The first official state service crea...
Carved icons were popular in north Russia and Nizhny Novgorod Province in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They were erected on wooden posts in Old Believer settlements or next to the graves ...
The Virgin of the Incarnation is a rare image not often encountered in Old Russian art. Instead of raising her hands in prayer, Mary lets her arms drop beneath her head-veil ( maforia ). Christ’s han...
The first images of the Enthroned Virgin were painted in Egypt in the early period of Coptic art. One of the most famous examples is a sixth-century fresco at the Monastery of St Apollo in Bawit. The...
Russian female attire was based on the sarafan, which was a kind of sleeveless dress. The whole ensemble comprised a blouse, pinafore, belt and apron and became widespread in Russia at the turn of th...