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Graphic artist, photographer, musician. Born in the family of Mikhail Langman in Odessa (1895). Studied at the Odessa School of Art, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute and the Moscow Conservatoire. Played...
Jewish photographer. Born in the family of a Jewish bookbinder called Zechariah Penson in the small town of Velizh near Vitebsk (1893). Fled from the constant threat of pogroms to Kokand in Russian T...
Photographer. Born in the family of writer Nikolai Teleshev in Moscow (1900). Graduated from the Department of Art and Archaeology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Moscow University (1925). Worke...
Photographer, illustrator. Born in the family of Samuel Shaikhet in the town of Nikolaev in the south Ukraine (1898). Moved to Moscow (summer 1922). Worked as a retoucher at the Rembrandt private pho...
Photographer. Born in the family of Boris Abaza in Leningrad (1934). Graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Riga. Worked as a constructor at the Riga Electrine Machine Factory in Riga. Took up p...
Photographer. Born in the family of a peasant called Mikhail Shagin in Yaroslavl Province (1904). Moved to Moscow (1922). Worked as an amateur photographer (1920s) and took up professional photograph...
Photographer. Born in the family of Vladimir Khlebnikov in Novocherkassk (1897). Studied at the Boris Tchaikovsky School of Cinema in Moscow (1925), when he took up photography. Member of the Russian...
Photographer. Born in the family of Alexander Savelev in the town of Chernivtsi in the south-west Ukraine (1948). Graduated from the Institute of Aviation, worked as an engineer. Took up photography ...
Photographer, journalist. Born in the family of Grigory Petrusov in Rostov-on-Don (1903). Interested in photography from the age of fourteen (1917). Graduated from grammar school (1920) and worked as...