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Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, object artist, installation artist. Born in the family of Pyotr Shablavin, who had been evacuated to the town of Kirsanov in Tambov Province (1944). As a child bega...
Painter, object artist. Born in Moscow in the family of Socialist Realist artist Semyon Chuikov (1935). Studied at the Moscow Secondary School of Art (1949–54) and at the Vasily Surikov Institute of ...
Artist. Born in the family of Vladimir Yelagin in Moscow (1949). Studied at the Moscow Secondary School of Art (1962–67). Studied painting under Alisa Poret (1967–72) and worked at Ernst Neizvestny’s...
Painter, graphic artist, photographer, object artist, installation artist, theatrical designer. Born in the family of Gleb Makarevich in Tripoli in Georgia (1943). Studied at the Moscow Secondary Sch...
Artist, art critic, publicist. Born in Felix Alexeyev in Moscow (1953). Graduated from the department of industrial graphics and advertising at the 1905 School of Art in Moscow (1972) and the faculty...
Painter, graphic artist, object artist, installation artist, actionist, publisher. Born in the family of Aris Zakharov in Dushanbe in Tadjikistan (1959). Studied at the Faculty of Painting of the Vla...
Painter, poet, sculptor, object artist, installation artist, graphic artist, performance artist. Born in the family of Alexander Prigov in Moscow (1940). Studied sculpture at the Moscow School of Art...
Painter, graphic artist, illustrator. Born in the family of Vladimir Bulatov in Sverdlovsk (1933), where his parents were on a two-year Communist Party trip. Moved with his family to Moscow (1936), w...
Painter, graphic artist, installation artist, object artist, conceptual artist, illustrator. Founder and leader of Moscow Conceptualism. Born in Dnepropetrovsk in the family of a locksmith called Jos...
Painter, graphic artist, object artist, installation artist, illustrator. Born in the family of Dmitry Pivovarov in Moscow (1937). Graduated from the Mikhail Kalinin School of Art and Industry in Mos...